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Infinity Alchemy
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Infinity Alchemy: videá
#1 Full Body Scan (12:02)
#2 Notice Your Spine (15:05)
#3 Rocking (13:06)
#4 Swinging (7:41)
#5 Balance (8:05)
#6 Psoas Stretch (15:33)
#7 I don't know (10:55)
#8 Shaking (5:46)
#9 Trigger Point Release (20:08)
#10 Upper Body Snake (6:04)
#11 Contract and Release (11:35)
#12 Mind Massage (8:09)
#13 Move the Energy (9:10)
#14 Happy Hips (15:42)
#15 Yes / No (11:30)
#16 Humming and Breath (13:25)
#17 Open Heart (14:50)
#18 Vagus Nerve Awakening (12:35)
#19 Child Pose Release (21:11)
#20 Deserved Morning (9:16)
#21 Somatic Dance Live (49:51)
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#12 Mind Massage
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